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Islamic Global Sukuk Fund

Fund Objective

The Fund seeks to generate positive returns on the long term with a balanced risk level. The Fund aims to distribute profits, if any, on a quarterly basis upon the discretion of the Fund Manager.

Executive Committee

  1. Badria Hamad Al Humaidhi
  2. Asok Kumar Ayinikkal
  3. Mohammad Mane Alajmi
  4. Omar Abdulaziz AlRasheed
  5. Abdulmohsen Sameer Al Gharaballi

Net Asset Value (NAV): USD 10.5126

Performance (as of 24-February-2025)
Cumulative 1 Week Return 0.21%
Cumulative MTD Return 0.54%
Cumulative 1 Month Return 0.66%
Cumulative YTD Return 0.91%
Cumulative 1 Year Return 4.09%
Cumulative 2 Years Return 7.95%
Cumulative Return Since Inception (11/12/2019) 7.63%
Annualized Return Since Inception (11/12/2019) 1.44%
Note: Above returns are inclusive of Share dividend distributed
Monthly Report
Subscription Form
Articles of Association

Fund Strategy

The  Fund’s strategy is to Invest in local, GCC and global Sukuk denominated in US Dollar or any other currency as deemed fit by the Fund Manager in addition to money market funds or any other debt instrument funds which are Shariah-Compliant and licensed by the CMA or any foreign entity as per regulatory standards and conditions similar to the ones adopted by the CMA at least, and the Fund may further invest in the equivalent of deposits in Islamic banks.

Why invest in the Islamic Global Sukuk Fund?

  • Balanced risk level with returns higher than fixed-deposits.
  • Weekly liquidity.
  • Quarterly distributions (if applicable).

Fund Facts

Fund structure Open-ended
Fund type Fixed Income
Currency US Dollars (USD)
Liquidity Weekly
Capital Variable (from USD 7 million to 1 billion)
Minimum subscription USD 5,000
Subscription fees None
Redemption fees None
Management fees • 0.40% p.a, if 1-month annualized return below 3%.
• 0.60% p.a, if 1-month annualized return between 3% to 4%.
• 0.75% p.a, if 1-month annualized return above 4%.
Performance fees None
Fund manager Boubyan Capital Investment Company K.S.C.C.
Fund Advisor Watani Investment Company K.S.C.C. (NBK Capital)
Distributor Boubyan Bank K.S.C.
Custodian & investment controller Kuwait Clearing Company K.S.C.
Shari'a auditor Shura Sharia Consultancy
Auditor Ernst & Young (Kuwait)